Lavonte Legends
Helping public education fulfill the promise of equal opportunity by assisting college bound students who are succeeding academically but are financially challenged. The goal of my foundation is to give deserving youth a chance to achieve their academic goals.
Lavonte Legends Holiday Gifting
December 16, 2023 | Miami, Florida
Lavonte Legends School Supply Giveback
July 2023 | Miami, Florida
Lavonte Legends Foundation Free Touchscreen Laptop Giveaway
September 2021 | Miami, Florida
Lavonte Legends Foundation Free Backpack with School Supplies
July 2019 | Miami, Florida
Lavonte Legends Foundation FREE Backpack With School Supplies & Tablets Giveaway
July 20, 2018 | Miami, FL
Bowl for Kids’ Sake Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay
April 8, 2018, Tampa, FL
Pellentesque mollis eros quis massa interdum porta et vel nisi. Duis vel viverra quam. Etiam molestie odio lacus, vulputate feugiat tortor condimentum eu.
Nebraska Meet and Greet for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
April 20, 2018, Omaha, Nebraska
Pellentesque mollis eros quis massa interdum porta et vel nisi. Duis vel viverra quam. Etiam molestie odio lacus, vulputate feugiat tortor condimentum eu.